Various studies have confirmed the efficacy of Vitamin D as a essential element which helps the body absorb calcium from food, and a true deficiency can lead to weak or soft bones — known as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults — and can weaken muscles, which, in turn, can lead to falls.
Also, different studies, have linked low levels of vitamin D to a host of other conditions, from diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis to multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and even cancer.
But as yet, there is no conclusive evidence to say whether low levels of vitamin D are a cause, or a symptom of these illnesses or that taking a supplement will cure them or them.
In a DailyMailonline report, Professor Spector, remarked that dangerously low levels of vitamin D are seen only in cases of rickets and Osteomalacia, of which there are only a handful a year.
While the controversy on whether too much of Vitamin D supplement could be harmful to the human body is still ongoing, the NHS recommends that all babies under a year old should have a daily supplement of 8.5 to 10mcg, and children aged one to four 10mcg (babies on more than 500ml of fortified infant formula a day don’t need additional vitamin D).
But for the vast majority of the population, says Professor Spector, taking vitamin D ‘doesn’t work and is actually distracting people from having a healthier lifestyle, going out in the sunshine and eating properly’.
Where are the health practitioners in the house, do you agree with this position of Professor Spector?